Well, Shit, I’m Back Here Again

Photo 32Ah, September.  The time when peoples hopes and dreams for the summer come to a sudden and violent end, only to be replaced with inescapable fear and despair.

Of letter grades, no less.  I am talking about school, and I’m back in it.

This meant a number of sad things had to happen first: saying goodbye to Lorelai again, packing up my belongings, and saying goodbye to my mother.  I am now alone again, and more so than before.

Why? Because I have no roommate.  I have a big room all to myself, right next to the kitchen, and depressingly far away from the shower.  Lastly, the housemates I have are all a little odd around me so far, so I feel like I’ll be spending a lot of alone time here this year.

No real worries though! I can still talk to Lorelai and everyone at home(which helps a lot), do more work, practice my music more, and(lastly) play some SPORE.

Although it isn’t looking so hot right now, classes start Wednesday and I’ll be able to spend time with friends I made last year; I can look forward to that much.  That and I’m looking forward to when I can go home again in 3 weeks!

Still, I’m stuck here again.  *sigh*


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